When reading in the ROM, we can also read additional information about the cartridge, in it’s header. Stuff like the title, region, speed, checksum, chipset etc.

The header information is stored in the last 80 bytes of the first bank (so 0x00FFAF to 0x00FFFF).
The most important parts are the ROM type, so we know how to map our addresses and the ROM itself, and the actual vectors that our code will make use of – starting with booting up, which requires the RESET vector to be correct.
Since there is no real magic behind this, but just a simple data conversion, I will just post my class for reading out the cartridge header, since there is no real need for descriptions here.
struct Cartridge {
enum class ROM_chipset {
ROM_only = 0b0000,
ROM_SRAM = 0b0001,
ROM_CO_CPU = 0b0011,
ROM_CO_CPU_SRAM = 0b0100,
map<u8, string> ROM_chipset_string = {
{0b0000, "ROM only"},
{0b0001, "ROM + SRAM"},
{0b0010, "ROM + SRAM & Battery"},
{0b0011, "ROM + Co-CPU"},
{0b0100, "ROM + Co-CPU + SRAM"},
{0b0101, "ROM + Co-CPU + SRAM & Battery"},
{0b0110, "ROM + Co-CPU + Battery"}
enum class ROM_coprocessor {
DSP = 0b0000,
SuperFX = 0b0001,
OBC1 = 0b0010,
SA_1 = 0b0011,
S_DD1 = 0b0100,
S_RTC = 0b0101,
Other = 0b1000,
Custom = 0b1111
map<u8, string> ROM_coprocessor_string = {
{0b0000, "DSP"},
{0b0001, "SuperFX"},
{0b0010, "OBC1"},
{0b0011, "SA-1"},
{0b0100, "S-DD1"},
{0b0101, "S-RTC"},
{0b1000, "Other"},
{0b1111, "Custom (v2/v3 header)"}
map<u8, string> Region = {
{0x00, "Japan"},
{0x01, "Most of North America"},
{0x02, "Most of Europe"},
{0x03, "Sweden"},
{0x04, "Japan"},
{0x05, "Denmark"},
{0x06, "France"},
{0x07, "Netherlands"},
{0x08, "Spain"},
{0x09, "Germany"},
{0x0a, "Italy"},
{0x0b, "China"},
{0x0c, "Indonesia"},
{0x0d, "South Korea"},
{0x0e, "Common/International"},
{0x0f, "Canada"},
{0x10, "Brazil"},
{0x11, "Australia"}
u8 header_version;
string game_title;
ROM_chipset rom_chipset;
ROM_coprocessor rom_coprocessor;
u8 rom_size; // size bits
u8 sram_size; // size bits
u32 rom_real_size; // size in bytes
u32 sram_real_size; // size in bytes
u8 flash_size_v3_header;
u32 flash_real_size_v3_header;
u8 xram_size_v3_header;
u32 xram_real_size_v3_header;
u8 region;
u8 dev_id;
string dev_id_v3_header;
string game_code_v3_header;
u8 version;
u16 checksum_complement;
u16 checksum;
bool isFastROM;
bool isHiROM;
// vectors
u16 native_cop_vector;
u16 native_brk_vector;
u16 native_abort_vector;
u16 native_nmi_vector;
u16 native_irq_vector;
u16 emu_cop_vector;
u16 emu_abort_vector;
u16 emu_nmi_vector;
u16 emu_reset_vector;
u16 emu_irq_brk_vector;
void initSNESHeader(u8 header[]) {
header_version = 1;
if (header[0x24] == 0x00) {
header_version = 2;
if (header[0x2a] == 0x33) {
header_version = 3;
game_title = "";
for (u8 i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
game_title += (char)header[i + 0x10];
isFastROM = ((header[0x25]) & 0b110000) == 0b110000;
isHiROM = ((header[0x25]) & 1) == 1;
rom_chipset = (ROM_chipset)(header[0x26] & 0b1111);
rom_coprocessor = (ROM_coprocessor)(header[0x26] >> 8);
rom_size = header[0x27];
rom_real_size = 0x400 << rom_size;
sram_size = header[0x28];
sram_real_size = (sram_size != 0) ? 0x400 << sram_size : 0;
region = header[0x29];
dev_id = header[0x2a];
dev_id_v3_header = (header_version == 3) ? to_string((char)header[0x00] + (char)header[0x01]) : "/";
game_code_v3_header = (header_version == 3) ? to_string((char)header[0x02] + (char)header[0x03] + (char)header[0x04] + (char)header[0x05]) : "/";
flash_size_v3_header = (header_version == 3) ? header[0x0c] : 0;
flash_real_size_v3_header = (flash_size_v3_header != 0) ? 0x400 << flash_size_v3_header : 0;
xram_size_v3_header = (header_version == 3) ? header[0x0c] : 0;
xram_real_size_v3_header = (xram_size_v3_header != 0) ? 0x400 << xram_size_v3_header : 0;
checksum_complement = (header[0x2d] << 8) | header[0x2c];
checksum = (header[0x2f] << 8) | header[0x2e];
// vectors
native_cop_vector = (header[0x35] << 8) | header[0x34];
native_brk_vector = (header[0x37] << 8) | header[0x36];
native_abort_vector = (header[0x39] << 8) | header[0x38];
native_nmi_vector = (header[0x3b] << 8) | header[0x3a];
native_irq_vector = (header[0x3f] << 8) | header[0x3e];
emu_cop_vector = (header[0x45] << 8) | header[0x44];
emu_abort_vector = (header[0x49] << 8) | header[0x48];
emu_nmi_vector = (header[0x4b] << 8) | header[0x4a];
emu_reset_vector = (header[0x4d] << 8) | header[0x4c];
emu_irq_brk_vector = (header[0x4f] << 8) | header[0x4e];
string getTitleString() {
return game_title;
string getROMChipsetString() {
return ROM_chipset_string[(u8)rom_chipset];
string getROMCoprocessorString() {
return ROM_coprocessor_string[(u8)rom_coprocessor];
string getROMSizeString() {
return to_string(rom_real_size);
string getRAMSizeString() {
return to_string(sram_real_size);
string getFlashSizeString() {
return to_string(flash_real_size_v3_header);
string getExpansionRAMString() {
return to_string(xram_real_size_v3_header);
string getRegionString() {
return Region[region];
string getDevIDString() {
if (header_version != 3)
return to_string(dev_id);
return dev_id_v3_header;
string getGameCodeString() {
return game_code_v3_header;
string getVersionString() {
return "1." + to_string(version);
string getChecksumString() {
return to_string(checksum);
string getChecksumComplementString() {
return to_string(checksum_complement);
string getChecksumOkay() {
if ((checksum & 0xff) + (checksum >> 8) + (checksum_complement & 0xff) + (checksum_complement >> 8) != 0x1fe)
return "Corrupted !";
return "Correct";
string getHeaderVersionString() {
return to_string(header_version);
This information we gather can help us properly setting up our memory map, or adjust some hardware settings, change language flags etc.